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Ein Musik-Theaterprojekt über das Nichtstun und den Leistungsdruck von Angela Löer, Dorle Trachternach und Felix Reisel - I am at home nowhere. Wherever I go it is as though I had arrived too late, as though the whole world had failed to reckon on my appearance. (Joseph von Eichendorff) Many young people know what it’s like to be made to feel you’re good for nothing. If you don’t fit in, people act like you’re work shy and lazy, and a burden to society. And if you play along, you’re in danger of becoming someone completely different: the product of ambitious parents – only free when your jam-packed schedule permits – with no time to find your own personal road to happiness. By contrast, the good-for-nothing is a romantic hero who spends his time ‘chilling’, only does what he feels like – and achieves all his goals. Is that such an impossible ideal in our performance-driven society? A team of artists from the Young DT brings together teenagers with different hopes and aims. To the sound of beatbox and recorders, they relate who they view as successful, who the elite are – and tell us about their own quest for happiness.